Welcome to Bridging Minnesota

Health & Nutrition

Welcome To Bridging Minnesota

Health and Nutrition

It also provides support and referral services to children and families living in high-risk situations. In addition to that it educates and assists parents in performing duties such as cleaning, preparing, portioning and storing food as well as updating families on the new American Food Guide.

Participants have gained a better understanding of key factor of healthy childhood development and the importance of nutrition.  Our students, clients and staff have all benefited from workshops that covered topics such as:


It also provides support and referral services to children and families living in high-risk situations.


It also provides support and referral services to children and families living in high-risk situations.


It also provides support and referral services to children and families living in high-risk situations.

Managing Blood Pressure

It also provides support and referral services to children and families living in high-risk situations.

Language Academy

Bridging Minnesota provides language training and skills development that supports clients to attain the English proficiency they need to function and participate in all aspect of American society and the economy. The program offers a critical pathway for a successful life while building newcomers self-confidence and motivation to face all challenges as newcomers pursue their goals. 

The program is designed to teach Adult newcomers who reside in Central Minnesota to learn basic English language instruction and engage in social, cultural and economic integration into American society.